Child Custody Modification Lawyer In Austin

Get Help From a Child Custody Modification Lawyer In Austin

Are you considering a child custody modification in Austin? At Smith Family Law, we understand how important this moment is for both you and your child. With so much on the line, it’s essential to have reliable guidance and informed advice. A dedicated child custody modification lawyer in Austin can help you every step of the way.

We’re well-versed in Texas child custody laws and will work diligently to advocate for your child’s best interests and your parental rights. Let us help you handle the legal challenges and work toward a positive outcome for your family. Contact us now to get started with your free initial case review.

Common Reasons for Child Custody Modification

The purpose of every child custody order is to ensure the best interests of the child are met. But when circumstances change after the finalization of a child custody order, parents or guardians might need to seek modifications to better suit the child’s evolving situation.

Some common reasons why one might seek child custody modifications in Texas involve the child’s circumstances, such as:

  • Changes in the child’s educational needs
  • Changes in the child’s preferences due to age or maturity
  • Changes in the child’s health or medical needs
  • The child’s needs for supervised visitation
  • Child’s involvement in criminal activities

Others might involve ordinary life chances for one or both parents, such as:

  • Changes in employment or job relocations
  • Parental military deployment
  • Remarriage or cohabitation of either parent
  • Changes in financial circumstances
  • Significant changes in a parent’s living situation
  • The death of one or both parents

Still others might involve more contentious issues, for example:

  • Co-parenting or communication difficulties
  • Persistent interference with visitation rights
  • Parental alienation or estrangement
  • Parental failure to comply with the existing order
  • Parental mental health concerns
  • Parental substance abuse or addiction
  • Parental incarceration
  • Child abuse or neglect allegations
  • Evidence of domestic violence

Grounds for Child Custody Modification in Texas

Just because a parent or guardian seeks a modified custody arrangement does not necessarily mean a family law judge will grant it. Family courts prioritize the child’s best interests in all custody matters, so parties seeking modifications must prove to the court that a new arrangement is best for the child.

Texas law only allows child custody modifications if one or more of the following grounds exist:

  • There has been a substantial change in circumstances since the court approved the initial order or since the signing of a settlement agreement on which the court order is based.
  • The child is 12 years or older and has expressed a new preference to the court regarding who should have the exclusive right to determine their primary residence.
  • A conservator with the exclusive right to decide the child’s primary residence voluntarily hands over primary care and possession of the child to another individual for at least six months. This does not include temporarily relinquishing custody while the conservator is on military duty.

When to File a Petition for Child Custody Modification

Timing matters when you’re thinking about a petition for modification. While courts recognize that life brings changes, you should only seek modifications that genuinely benefit your child and aren’t based on fleeting or minor reasons. In general, you should file a petition when a significant and enduring change in circumstances directly affects your child’s best interests.

Consider filing if one parent’s living situation becomes unstable or if it endangers the child’s safety or well-being. If a parent begins to abuse substances, neglect the child, or display harmful behaviors, you should reevaluate the custody arrangements. Job changes that demand relocation and could disrupt the child’s education or social life might also call for a petition.

Furthermore, you might think about requesting a modification if the child is 12 or older and starts to express a sincere wish for a change. The best way to ensure you are basing your timing and reasoning for the change on firm grounds is to consult a knowledgeable child custody modification lawyer.

Is My Modification Case Contested or Uncontested?

Whether the modification is contested or uncontested will determine the path the petition takes.

A modification is uncontested when both parents agree on the proposed changes to the custody arrangement. In these cases, the process can be smoother and quicker, as there’s no need for a lengthy court battle. Both parties can present a joint agreement to the court, and a judge can finalize the modification once they review it and ensure it’s in the child’s best interests.

On the other hand, a contested modification case is one in which there’s disagreement between parties about the proposed changes. These situations often require more extensive legal proceedings, including evidence presentation, witness testimonies, and sometimes even child interviews. Contested cases can be more time-consuming, emotionally draining, and expensive.

In certain circumstances, the court could order a child custody modification by default. This typically happens when one party fails to respond or appear in court after they have been duly served with a modification petition. For instance, if one parent files for a modification and the other parent does not show up for the scheduled court hearing, the court might issue a default order. This means the judge can grant the modifications without input from the non-responsive party.

What If My Child Custody Order Is from Another State?

Child custody modifications become more complex when the original order comes from another state. If you received your custody order outside of Texas, but you, the other parent, or the child now reside in Texas, you must follow specific legal protocols for a modification. Jurisdiction plays a key role in these situations. For Texas courts to have the authority to modify an out-of-state order, they must first establish jurisdiction. This means Texas must become the child’s “home state” or meet other specific criteria under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA).

The UCCJEA is a legal statute that most states in the U.S. have adopted to address jurisdictional issues in child custody cases that cross state lines. Its primary aim is to avoid jurisdictional battles between states and to prevent parents from relocating to other states to seek more favorable custody rulings. It establishes guidelines to determine which state’s courts have jurisdiction over a child custody case. It also ensures that once a state court asserts jurisdiction, other states must defer to that court’s rulings.

How Much Does a Custody Modification Cost in Austin?

The cost to file a petition for child custody modification in Austin, Texas, can vary based on several factors, including the following:

  • County of Filing: Each county in Texas has its own filing fee schedule. The exact amount can differ depending on the county where you’re filing the modification petition.
  • Additional Fees: Beyond the basic filing fee, the modification process might require additional costs. These could include fees for serving the other parent with a petition, fees for a mediator, or fees for a court-appointed attorney for the child or a guardian ad litem.
  • Other Costs: Other potential costs could arise from gathering evidence, attending required parenting courses, or travel and time off work for court appearances.
  • Waivers: In some circumstances, if you can demonstrate financial hardship, you might be eligible for a waiver or reduction of the filing fees. You could ask the judge to waive the fees by completing and filing a Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs.

How Do I Win a Custody Modification Case in Austin?

Presenting strong and relevant evidence is essential when pursuing a child custody modification case. The right documentation can effectively support your claims and demonstrate the necessity for the requested changes. Here are some examples of evidence and documentation that could help you win your modification case:

  • School records and report cards
  • Medical and dental records
  • Photos or videos showcasing living conditions
  • Witness testimonies or affidavits
  • Police reports or restraining orders
  • Counseling or therapy records
  • Communication records (e.g., texts, emails, voicemails)
  • Child’s personal diary or statements (if age-appropriate)
  • Attendance records for school or extracurricular activities
  • Documentation of substance abuse (e.g., drug test results)
  • Financial records or bank statements
  • Parenting class certificates
  • Calendars or journals detailing missed visitations or parental interactions
  • Travel records or tickets
  • Social media posts or messages
  • Records from Child Protective Services (CPS)
  • Employment records
  • Records of involvement in the child’s activities or events
  • Declarations from teachers, counselors, or coaches
  • Any other evidence showing a change in circumstances

Do I Need a Lawyer to Help Me with My Child Custody Modification Case?

Texas law does not require you to hire a lawyer for a child custody modification case, but it’s strongly recommended. Family law cases, especially those involving matters as delicate as child custody, are often complex and emotionally charged. A lawyer can handle all the legal procedures, documentation requirements, and courtroom protocols on your behalf, ensuring you present your case effectively and avoid any procedural missteps.

They can also offer strategic advice, gather and present evidence, and negotiate on your behalf. Remember, the outcome of your case can significantly affect your child’s well-being and your parental rights. Given the stakes, it’s a good idea to hire a lawyer to improve your chances of achieving favorable results in your child custody modification case.

Speak to a Child Custody Modification Lawyer in Austin Now

If you’re seeking a modification of child custody in Texas, you deserve support from experienced and compassionate family law attorneys. Get in touch with Smith Family Law today to get just that. Contact us online or call us at (512) 277-3166 now to tell us your story in a free initial case evaluation.

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Written by: Smith Family Law